Tuesday, November 11, 2008

first post, first order of business... that bathroom!

As referenced in the "about me" section, I am a closeted creative person still in the "coming out" process. After 4 years of owning a house in Berkeley, CA, my husband and I made a radical move to rural Virginia (honey, did she just say Berkeley to VA? Yes, dear, I think that's what she said!). And as a quick side note, Virginia just went BLUE!! Amazing. But I digress...

We built a modest sized house on a nowhere-near-modest-sized piece of land (103 acres to be exact). I am a detail-oriented person but the minutia of details while building our house fried me out. When the suggestion was made to do the last powder room all in white my answer was a resounding "screw it - go ahead!" And so it was. That is how I ended up with the blandest bathroom ever. I know white can be mod and cool but this wasn't either. It was boring.

For over 4 years I have hummed and hawed about what to do with this powder room. There was the pink idea that included using an old, asian print left to me by my grandmother. Nope. There was the idea to figure out how to stripe the walls - I even bought paint for that one. Nope. Well, we've been really jonesin' for the city so one Sunday morning I decided the bathroom needed to feel urban. It needed to be funky. And I wanted to make a statement. But I had no money to spend on it.

Home Depot had a gallon bright orange paint that was an "oops" on sale for $5. I was all over that! Then I remembered that back in Graphic Design school my friend Kristin had given me a book by Portland Graphic Designer Shawn Wolfe. that had awesome artwork, totally on the urban tip, and I had always wanted to do something with. So I painted the bathroom and framed several series from the book in plain black frames from Target. 

You know what? I love this bathroom and so do most people that use it. 

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